Monday, November 29, 2010


Kayla and I just got back from Thanksgiving break. It was fabulous! I had some crazy Black Friday adventures; there was almost a showdown in Bestbuy, and we both ate delish food and got to see our families. I even impressed myself when I slept in til 2:30 on Saturday. 2:35 exactly, if you would really like to know. Yesterday Kayla's dad drove us back through a blizzard! It was very scary for Kayla because she was paying attention the whole time, but I was playing with my phone, so I didn't really notice until we almost died. The first time.

Today was also pretty impressive: we wrote letters to our missionaries, did our religion homework, wisely chose to skip religion and then we went skydiving. Yes. We. Went. Skydiving. Here is what that looks like:

Pretty damn awesome.

THEN we had a photo shoot, check it out

We were feeling really bummed, and giving yourself a great big ego boost is a GREAT way to deal with the blues. Also, I just got a new camera and wanted to take it for a spin.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I Wanna Lose My Cool

This dog knows exactly how I feel
There is very little that me and kayla can absolutely not come to an agreement on. However, there is one very particular thing that I refuse to even humor her with. Snow. I do not like the snow. I do not like the cold. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I Am.
 But to me, the most sickening thing is snow angels. There is nothing angelic about rubbing your whole body on the freezing cold snow. Especially if, like me, your butt makes a disproportionately large dent in that snow. It's total blasphemy. If I'm ever reincarnated I pray that it is not as a snowman.


It is snowing and I'm loving it.  However, my beautiful roommate is curled up in an electric blanket glaring at it.  My plans for playing in the snow are as follows...this is Kayla by the way. 
1) Make a snowman
2) Drink Hot Chocolate
3) Do doughnuts in the parking lot
4) Build a fort
5) Have a snowball fight
6) Make snow angels!!
7)  Sing every song that has to do with snow ever!
I will make her play with me and we will have fun!  That's right Kate I am going to force you to spend time with me and play with me.  Watch out!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I wanna be a thousand-aire

A peice of my childhood that has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

Kayla just paid off her credit card! I am so proud of her. One day she will have such AMAZING credit that I can buy everything I want on her card and then run away to Mexico where the cops will never get me!! and becuase they were fraudulent charges Kayla will be reimbursed! That is what I call living the dream. This got me thinking...what will I spend all the money on?

Sour patch kids. we would buy the whole damn factory.

School!! This is obviously Kayla's idea. If I was super rich I would just hang out with Paris Hilton all day.

The Galapogas island that's shaped like Antartica. Yes, it exists.

Harry Potter world! we would buy it and then live in it. And Hagrid would be our best friend.

My very own soda fountain.

Pay scientists to create a real unicorn! and flying reindeer while they're at it.

Pay someone to get us on glee. My character will make out with Sam. Kayla wants Finn and Puck will be a free-for-all

An apartment at The Plaza. I will let all kinds of crazies stay there just to freak the rich people out.

A house. Also Kayla, dream big girl.

STOOOOCKS!!!! because you KNOW that's a great idea

A pony that will be pink. With a rainbow tail.

A man to boss around who can't help but fall in love with kayla.

A personal photographer that will follow us everywhere

A house for parents. Not too close but not too far either.

A yacht

An ipad

And of course, we will be needing some sexy motorcycles and some even sexier helmets.

This is EXACTLY where we will be parking:

Monday, November 8, 2010

How It Really Went Down

So Kayla and I had been fantasizing about Halloween for a long time; we bought our costumes before the Halloween stores opened, we carved our pumpkins so early that they rotted long before the big night and we decorated our apartment in september. And do you know what happened on the night of the Howl? Kayla said "I'm tired of Halloween. I want it to be Christmas" and it was only the 29th!!

However, I am an extrememly convincing and charming friend so I managed to convince her to get her sexy on! So we went to the Howl and the We the Kings Concert and took like, no pictures, but here are the ones we DID take

This last one is just me and kayla doin our thing. Which is flying around while wearing witch hats and looking unbelievably attractive. It's a hobbie.