Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bieber Fever

N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, Jesse McCartney, even Zac Effron.  These were the men I fell in love with as I grew up.  They were abtastic, breathtaking, and could sing to boot.  I mean look at this.....
Oh yes this is what I call a man.  So what is wrong with today's generation?  They picked a scrawny sixteen year old for their idol.  Justin Bieber.  Now I admit he can sing, but how is he hot?  I don't confuddles me.  I work with elementary school kids, and they love him.  They think he is the stars, moon, and sky.  Why?  I don't know why....

Crazy right?  Kate and I saw this last night on T.V. and I thought it was hilarious.  He is such a creeper.  "I'm going to sniff your neck because you smell like me!" Ummmm k that's cool, but why would I want to smell like a man?  Why didn't he make a cologne, girls would still buy it because they would think it smells like him.  They would spray it on their Justin Bieber pillows and smell his face as they drifted off to Bieberlicious dreams.  Wow...I mean wow....I have no words right now.  The world has gone crazy!  If you would like to know if you have gone crazy watch this video.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bloom Bloom Bloom. I want you in

This is Kate. Not Kayla. I am nowhere near Kayla. She is far, far, far away. So far that if I had a walkie talkie and I tried talking to her on it, I wouldn't be able to. Even if it was one of those really good walkie talkies. Even if I stood on the highest hill and held the antenna up as far as my arm can reach. Which would put that walkie talkie at a whopping 6 feet off the ground.

But fear not! I have a plan to keep me and Kayla together forever. See that picture at the top? That is my plan. Next time I see Kayla I will PERMANENTLY ATTACH HER TO ME! You may say "Kate, that's silly, Kayla can just undo the braid", but there's no WAY that's happening! B/c I'm gonna do it behind her back so she won't even know what's happening. duuuh. She'll just think that it's magic. The same kind of magic that makes all her money disappear...

So this is what I've been doing:

Yeeeeah. I like my life. But almost as importantly,

THIS is what I've been doing! :

It's actually very fun and I've been doing it at my grandma's house, so I feel semi-helpful. And if this picture impresses you, then thank you and you may stop reading.
Otherwise, this isn't my garden, BUT mine hasn't actually started...growing yet. But it will! I just know it. And I have BIG plans for it when it does.

First, I will win Kayla back! She will come to my garden b/c I will have a garden tea party! Kayla loves tea parties. As long as the "tea" is water and there is cheese involved. I imagine she'll look like the picture below b/c Kayla also loves Tinkerbell.
I also plan on growing the most amazing garden ever, I picture myself like this:
This is the troll from "The Troll in Central Park". He is incredible, undeniably attractive and happens to have a very green thumb. He has been a hero of mine for years.
Once my garden is fantastic, I assume that no one will be able to resist it, including....

The best animals ever.
And if you're not convinced, I'll have you know that I also purchased some magical seeds from a very reliable salesman and he told me that it will become an Easter Egg Tree! Old man included.
I will also be needing a boy to do this to me:

Preferably one with a cooler hairdo who does not wear khaki pants. At least not in the garden. That's just not practical.

So, if you would like to come to my garden party, you are welcome to it! As soon as these flowers start growing...