Thursday, February 17, 2011

Be Prepared!

Kayla and I are in this very scary class called "Natural Disasters", but what it should be called is "You're All Gonna Die!" because that is all she tells us. At first I just brushed it off, but after a while even I, Kate the Great, got scared. So we decided to prepare ourselves for the inevitable: Armageddon!
 Here's our list of supplies:
1. Water. This is no real shock I'm sure, how else would we melt witches?!
2. Cup O' Noodles. The real reason we have these is because Kayla bought them a long time ago, but doesn't like them enough to eat them. Unless the world is ending, of course.
3. Jesus picture. ALWAYS have your Jesus picture on hand. I shouldn't have to explain this one.
4. First Aid Kit. Because when the world is ending, the LAST thing you want is a neglected boo boo.
5. Wet Ones. So we can smell delish! Or at least good enough so that we won't repulse the last men on earth.
6. Diet Coke. You may say "Kate, really? You have Diet Coke in your emergency supplies?" Yes fool. I do. Because watching the world go into chaos will put me in a bad enough mood as it is; you do NOT want to take away my Diet Coke too.
7. Canned stuff. Duh.
I'll admit, we are pretty well prepared. But we also need a few more things. I just have to convince Kayla to agree
1. a stake. In case we run into vampires. It would suck to survive Armageddon only to fall prey to some blood-sucking Edward Cullen wannabe.
2. A raft! For floods! It's very practical, and could provide us with hours of entertainment!
3. A hottie. I know you can't exactly stick one in your 72hour kit, but it would be nice to have some kind of agreement set up in case we need to replenish the earth. Any takers?
4. A shovel. Nothing like a good old shovel. I can think of at LEAST 10 ways we could use it.
5. Jersey Shore dvds. Because if aliens take over the earth, I want them to see the best we have to offer.

Who wouldn't want to spend their last days with this?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Burning Thoughts

I know today is Valentine's Day, but I have other, much weightier things on my mind. Mainly, toast. Today in my creative arts class we had to practice writing haikus. My haiku went a little like this:

Haikus are easy
If you can count syllables
But math is not my-

I was pretty pleased with mine, until I heard this one:

Life rushes on faster
and faster but the fact is
you can't rush toast.

At first I laughed but then I realized that this guy is deep. It seems like life zooms by so fast and no matter what you do you can't slow it down! I am always shocked when I realize that another year has gone by and I still have not received my acceptance letter from Hogwarts. Honestly, I don't know what they're waiting for.

But toast is different. No matter how hungry you are or how late you're gonna be to class, toast always takes just as long as it's always taken. You just have to wait and pay close attention so that it doesn't burn. And if it does burn, wouldn't it be cool if it looked like this?

Yum. I'd like to take a bite out of THAT.

So here's to toast! And all those other things that seem to never change.


                                    Diet Coke

Rad Sunglasses

Izzy Bisese

 And of course, McKenzie Carroll


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Say What?

Lately, Kate and I have been embracing bad reality tv....why we love it I can't explain.  Could it be that it makes us feel better about our boring lives or do we secretly want to be them.  I have no clue, maybe y'all can decide.  But before you can make a decision, I have to make my case legit.  These are my stellar examples of our favorite prepared for some poofs and some crazy women.

Suuure we are lame, but you have to admit it's a fascinating experience.  Admit it you like them too ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What We Do For Love

The Love Clown

Valentine's Day is coming up and it got me thinking: I am a damn fool.
I started of thinking of all the completely embarassing things that I have done for love and the list is astounding. Astoundingly humiliating. And what better way to reminisce on embarassing experiences than to post them on the world wide web?!

So I decided to compose a list. And then I told Kayla that she has to do it too.

1. From Kate: One of my first memories goes back to oh let's say..second grade. I had a HUGE crush on one of my brother's friends. I will call him Caleb. I will call him that because that was his name. I'm not very creative. Anyway, in those days, Pokemon cards were like The Shiz and Caleb had a Diglet and he told me that he would give it to me if I jumped out of a tree. Not just any tree, THE TREE. You know, that classically huge neighborhood tree that everyone dreams of climbing? And although I knew that Diglet was a crap pokemon and would do nothing but harm to my Pokedeck, I jumped. I jumped out of that tree for love. And what did Caleb do? He gave me a holographic Meowth. He was just so impressed by my bravery.

Now they try to make Diglet look all hard core. Check it out

2. From Kayla: It was Christmas time and I wore a red dress for the boy I like and I knew he like me. And I put one of those "To From" stickers on my dress and opened my jacket and yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS, I'm your present!"

At least I'm not the only one

3. Kate: When I was in fifth grade I wasn't allowed to wear makeup, but I wanted to look pretty for this boy I liked. So I decided to use household items to beautify myself.  I don't remember everything I did, but I do recall using a pink highlighter for blush and trying to get blue crayon to stay on my eyelids. I thought that I looked divine, luckily for me my dad wouldn't let me go to school because my cheeks were so pink that he thought I was sick. I didn't have the courage to tell him that I had just abused the powers of my school box.

4. Kayla: In second grade I really like this boy, so I gave him a special Valentine, but my sister was friends with his siblings and gave them WAAY better ones. They made fun of the Valentine that I made him, but he said that it was the best Valentine that he had ever gotten and hugged me. And I fell in love.

Then there was today...Kayla and I have a class with a good friend of ours. He was our RA last year and we happen to love him, so we were of coursed thrilled that he sat within yelling distance of us. We decided to get his attention by staring at him until he waved. All his friends saw and clearly thought we were freaks, but we carried on, knowing that his happiness upon seeing us would sooo be worth it. He saw us. We waved. He looked away. We were hurt and didn't know what to do with ourselves. So...we waved more until he finally showed some love. It was worth it.