Saturday, October 2, 2010


So yesterday was the BYU vs. USU football game and for the Aggies this is a BIG DEAL! We just so happen to hate BYU with an extremely strong passion, just out of principle. Although, when I've talked to my friends at BYU they aren't aware that we are their #1 rivals. Probably because we never ever have even had a chance of beating them. Boo hoo. But yesterday we WON!!

More importantly though, Kayla and I stayed at the game the whole time! This is our first time ever. We always go because we know we're supposed to and also because I think we both secretly hope that we will seem more irresistable to boys if we wear our Aggie blue and scream a lot. So far it's not working....but here's to us! and our amazing ability to watch a whole football game!


Some funny signs we saw at the game:
BYU: Waste of Tithing
BYU: Keeping ugly girls out of Utah State since 1888
Buck FYU (thiiiiink about it)
and then there was something shocking...a hanging cougar! someone got a stuffed byu cougar and hung it! terrifying. If I were their mascot I would have peed my pants.

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